
Showing posts from March, 2019

C. S. Sudheer review Various Types of Leads and Their Differences

If you are looking to buy leads then it will be important to know the difference between different types of leads. In this C S Sudheer lead market review we will analyze the differences between these leads. Different Leads and Their Differences As per C. S. Sudheer review , there are cold, warm, and qualified leads that you can purchase.Out of them, the best ones are qualified ones. Let us delve into details of differences in these leads. Cold Leads Sudheer Indian Money review shows that everyone tends to receive cold calls frequently. For instance, if you get a call from a credit card company without applying for their card then it will be considered a cold call. This lead where end-user is not aware of the company or is not at all interested in the product is known as a cold call. Warm Leads Warm leads refer to leads for which a user has shown interest by providing his or her details by signing up for company’s newsletter, by following the company

C. S. Sudheer review of Different Types of Direct Taxes

What are direct taxes and what are the different types of direct taxes? Let us find an answer to these questions in this Indian Money review of direct taxes. Direct Taxes and Their Types Direct taxes are the taxes that are paid by businesses and individuals to government. As per Bangalore review , these taxes are levied as per profit levels and income of entities and individuals. Thus, if you are earning more than taxes you pay will be higher. We will now go through details of different direct taxes that are levied by the government. Different Types of Direct Taxes Income Tax As per Indian Money dot com Bangalore , this tax is charged as per level of income a person has. Moreover, this tax is decided on the basis of taxable income a person earns. There are different categories on the basis of which income tax amount is calculated. 1.        Income earned by businesses and professionals. 2.        Salary income. 3.        Income earned from prop

Three Occasions Where a Personal Loan Can Give You Tax Benefits - C. S. Sudheer review

In this C. S. Sudheer review , let us explore the different ways in which personal loans can provide tax benefits. Personal Loans and Tax Benefits   Use the Funds of Personal Loan on Business Expenses As per C. S. Sudheer Indian Money , if you utilize instant personal loan to finance business expenses like purchasing equipment, enhancing your working capital and expanding business operations, then you are eligible for  tax benefits on personal loans . This is because the amount paid toward loan repayment can be stated as a business expense and reduces your quantum of taxable profit and tax liability at the same time. Use the Personal Loan Funds on Housing Expenses Section 24 of the Income Tax Act states that if you use personal loan to buy, construct or renovate a housing property, then you can claim the interest repayments of the loan for tax deductions. However, there is catch in this, as the upper limit for tax deduction stands at Rs 2 Lakhs a year in cas